About this blog

This blog is intended to showcase daily speedpaints - however, I don't intend to upload just any speedpaints. Instead, I want to try to sit down every day and paint a master study; be it Cézanne, Vermeer, Bouguereau or Rembrandt - I intend to study the works of these old masters and upload the results on this blog.
The purpose of this project is, obviously, personal improvement. First off, it'll motivate me to practice daily, which in itself will already help me improve, but more importantly I hope to learn a lot about colour theory, composition, styles, ductus and so on from these great people.

Please enjoy :)

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

[17.11.2010] Biblis

Next up is a piece by Bouguereau. I have to say, I _really_ love his art. But well, I have to say that of many other artists as well...
anyway, I managed to do another study today. I pretty much got it done in about an hour, so it's - again - rather sloppy. Have to find a way how I'll be able to paint and, at the same time, be able to examine the original closely. Second monitor, maybe? jk

Bouguereau - Biblis

Another possible option would be to just kind of stop doing a study of the whole pic but instead just focus on a certain detail. Or I could just work less rushed - however, today I wanted to make sure to get to bed earlier than yesterday, so sadly I couldn't do that :D (at least if I wanted to post something today)
Well, I'll figure it out someday^^


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